In Person Sundays 10:30 AM

                                              Prayer Line Tuesdays 6:30am | Season Saints Life Group 2nd Mondays 7:00pm                                      1-301-715-8592  Access Code: 84758071026 Password:796945

31 Day Proverbs Reading Challenge 2023

Faith City Church 591 Guy Rd, Clayton, NC, United States

Join the women of Faith City as we explore the book of Proverbs in March. Beginning March 1, we will start the book of Proverbs, reading one chapter each day. Each morning, you will receive a daily encouraging message from Lady Vickie Foster based on the chapter of that day. You can use that devotional […]

Event Series Food Pantry

Food Pantry

Faith City Church 591 Guy Rd, Clayton, NC, United States

We are serving our community every 3rd Saturday at 10 a.m. through our Food Pantry.

Be part of a vibrant community.

You are not alone.